One-day app creation: How AI tools transformed our workflow?

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10 min


Marketing Specialist


Artificial intelligence

In our recent workshop, we embarked on a hands-on experiment to test the capabilities of AI tools in app development, and the results were nothing short of impressive. Split into two groups, each tasked with creating a quick vehicle registration app, we explored a range of freely available AI tools, including ChatGPT, Claude, as well as Make. The goal was straight forward: see if we could build a functional app in just one day without any specialized coding expertise.

Throughout the process, we encountered both challenges and surprising breakthroughs. From generating backend logic to integrating various components, each tool played a crucial role in bringing the app to life. By the end of the day, both groups were just a few hours away from completing fully functional apps – proof that with a bit more time, we could have achieved a polished final product.

This experience underscored the potential of AI-driven tools to democratize app development, making it accessible even to those without a technical background. In this blog post, we’ll share our journey, the tools we used, and the key take aways that could benefit anyone looking to streamline their digital projects.

The journey. From concept to completion

The workshop setup

The workshop was designed to test the feasibility of creating a basic vehicle registration app using only AI-powered tools. We divided ourselves into two groups, each with diverse professional backgrounds. Our primary objective was to explore how AI could streamline the app development process, from ideat to execution, within a tight timeframe.

Initial brainstorming

Both groups began by defining the core functionalities of the app – basic user registration, vehicle information input, and a simple dashboard for managing entries. The brainstorming sessions were crucial, as they set the foundation for how we would use AI tools to achieve these goals. We quickly realized that the key to success would lie in using each tool effectively, from handling technical tasks to designing easy-to-use features.

Tools and techniques: A deep dive

Creating the app with ChatGPT and Claude

Our teams leaned heavily on ChatGPT and Claude to build the app's core functionality. These AI tools proved invaluable in guiding us through the entire development process. They helped us generate essential code snippets, structure the necessary data, and even troubleshoot issues in real-time. Whether we were working on basic app logic or integrating different parts of the app, ChatGPT and Claude provided the insights, but also assistance we needed to keep moving forward.

Designing the user experience with Make

For designing the app’s user experience, we turned to Make. This tool offered an intuitive, user-friendly platform that allowed us to quickly put together the app’s visual elements. With its drag-and-drop functionality and customizable templates, even those of us without design experience were able to contribute to creating a functional and visually appealing interface. Make enabled us to focus on what mattered most – ensuring the app was easy to use and met the basic requirements we had set out to achieve.


Key takeaways from our workshop

AIas a catalyst for innovation

Our experiment underscored how AI can act as a powerful catalyst for innovation across various fields. By lowering the barriers to entry, these tools enable professionals or even amateurs to tackle complex projects – such as app development, without needing extensive technical expertise. This democratization of technology unlocks new opportunities for creativity and problem-solving in several industries.

Streamlining digital projects

The ability to rapidly prototype and develop functional apps allows teams to bemore agile in responding to evolving needs. Whether it’s creating a customer-facing app, building internal tools to improve workflows, orexperimenting with new product ideas, AI tools can significantly reduce development time and costs, allowing teams to focus more on strategy and lesson technical execution.

Collaborative development

One of the most rewarding aspects of the workshop was the collaborative nature of the project. AI tools facilitated seamless communication and collaboration among team members with diverse skill sets, ensuring that everyone could contribute meaningfully. This collaborative approach not only led to a successful outcome but also enhanced our understanding of how cross-functional teams can work together more effectively to achieve common goals.


Our workshop experience showed that building a functional app using freely available AI tools is not just possible – it’s practical and efficient. For professionals across various industries, this opens up new avenues for creativity and innovation, enabling teams to quickly bring ideas to life without requiring extensive technical expertise.

As AI continues to advance, its role in professional development will only grow, providing more tools and capabilities that can help teams streamline their workflows, enhance customer or user experiences, and drive impactful results. We encourage you to explore these tools in your own projects, whether it’s building apps, creating content, analyzing data, or any other creative endeavor. The potential for positive impact is vast.

Ready to see what AI can do for your projects? Start experimenting with tools like ChatGPT, Claude, and Make today and don’t forget to join our community on social media!

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